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Advanced Automation Machine Control takes Dozing Efficiency to the Next Level

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Automatic blade control with GPS technology add-on for dozers is nothing new, but these conventional systems are only practical for particular portions of the grading work. 小松最近才发行 主动控制瞌睡 system expands both the effectiveness and the range of usability of machine control, 极大地改变了评分游戏.

在本期的专家角, Jeff Martin, a 30-year industry veteran and 全国最大的彩票平台's SMART Construction Sales Representative, shares his insights on the new technology and how it is changing the day-to-day work for busy contractors.

机器控制已经存在了一段时间,并得到了广泛的应用. 那么,为什么需要改进现有的技术呢?

Typical GPS on dozers is limited because it is a simplistic blade control; the system will follow a design, 但它对机器的操作不敏感, 它不关心地形. 它所做的就是上下移动刀片. It will not adjust the blade when the cut is too large or the blade is too full, 导致履带打滑. Track slippage stresses the undercarriage and creates an uneven surface increasing the number of passes you must make. The challenge is that conventional machine control is typically used only in the final stages of the job.



  • Automatically tilts blade to maintain straight travel while rough dozing
  • 对地面和跑道保持一致的动力




应用程序: 剥离表土,高产打瞌睡

  • 使用前一关的数据来计划下一关
  • 自动切割/条状现有的地形
  • 帮助新操作员像经验丰富的操作员一样工作



应用程序: 吊装、压实质量控制

  • 保持精确的提升厚度
  • Automatically spreads lift from existing terrain and helps prevent overfill
  • 产量是之前型号的两倍



应用程序: 完成评分

  • Analyzes terrain and 3D model to proactively position blade in hard-to-grade areas
  • 有助于防止成品级过切



主动控制瞌睡 fundamentally differs from the previous machine control and other bolt-on technologies in the market. The technology and capabilities are fully integrated with the machine instead of just being a standalone GPS add-on. 主动控制瞌睡, the machine continuously uses as-built mapping and saves the data each pass, 让工作做得更好更快. For example, the system senses track slippage when the blade is overloaded and will lift the blade slowly, 消除履带滑移.

当你剥离表层土壤时,差别就很明显了. Because it senses and remembers the terrain, a dozer equipped with 主动控制瞌睡 能在不混合材料的情况下完全剥离表层土吗. Black dirt/live soil should be kept as clean as possible so contractors can repurpose it in later stages of the job. 作为混合材料,堆被认为是废物, contractors will end up hauling more waste piles rather than leaving them on site.


Fewer passes save time for operators and reduce the fatigue factor. It also reduces wear and tears on the undercarriage because you aren't spinning your tracks each time the machine senses overload. Additionally, the rework significantly decreases because the machine creates a perfect finish. Finally, 不要把黑土和粘土或其他有机物混在一起, 做小边际桩,提高投资回报. 
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小松的智能机器与 主动控制瞌睡 are essentially a "grass to grade" technology that you use throughout a grading operation. 主动控制瞌睡 是为你自己设计的吗. Most people are used to turning on the GPS at the very end for finishing. 所以我告诉操作员要学习这个系统, 当他们开始工作时,打开GPS, 并运行它,直到任务完成. 心态的转变是需要的,需要一些时间来适应, as operators are used to returning after the fact to finish a job. 

Another point is that operators often ask me, "Is this going to take away my job?答案肯定是否定的.“有效地运行这些机器, you still need a skilled operator who knows how the equipment operates, 如何将泥土弹起, 装车, etc.

有效地运行这些机器, you still need a skilled operator who knows how the equipment operates, 如何将泥土弹起, 装车, etc. Technology won't do much for somebody who doesn't know anything about grading, 但在一个优秀的操作员手中,它可以做惊人的事情. It makes a good operator better and an advanced operator even greater.

I think the technology also makes grading more attractive for young people considering construction as a trade. So it doesn't just help existing operators get better - it helps attract new operators as well. 


We are a company that focuses only on extensively supporting the equipment we sell. 全国最大的彩票平台 provides complete service and training support and has set up our organization's infrastructure to support customer operations long after the machine is handed over. The typical 全国最大的彩票平台 field employee has years of experience on job sites and a tonne of application knowledge. 他们可以从上到下讨论设备, 如何有效地利用它,提高生产力, 以及如何让它在最佳状态下运行. 


I have worked in this industry for over 30 years, including roles as a contractor. So, 我可以和客户“谈论他们的问题”, 它们的应用以及它们如何使用特定的机器. 我知道做一份工作要花多少钱. 我知道装卡车要花多少钱. I know problems from the project management side, the estimating side, and the operating side. 这些都是我的客户想要讨论的话题.


  • Traditional machine control has helped contractors improve productivity, but the typical GPS-enabled system was a standalone add-on that was relatively limited.
  • Komatsu 主动控制瞌睡 takes machine control to a new level by introducing an integrated approach where the system responds to the terrain, 机器和GPS信息.
  • The new technology supports a "finish as you go" approach that eliminates rework and improves overall Efficiency.
  • The new technology is popular with operators as it helps them focus on what they do best and improve their performance. 
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小松iMC 2.0 Dozers

New iMC 2.0 dozers increase production up to 60% with the ability to use automatics from grass-to-grade.

  • Lift layer control uses the shape of the existing terrain to place lifts consistently with high accuracy, 减少压实返工
  • 通过快速创建表面创建临时设计
  • Tilt steering control automatically tilts blade to maintain straight travel during rough dozing and reduces track slip 
View iMC 2.0 Dozers